Punjab Examination Commission (PEC) arranged CEOs conference on 19th September 23, where Worthy Madam Special Secreteray Education (SED) joined as Chief Guest. CEO-PEC, Tariq Iqbal warmly welcomed all the participants and commenced with orientation on First Term School Based Assessment 2023. The house was briefed about the provision of standardized item bank, one click user-friendly paper generation, smart print of paper(single page paper), availibity of standarized rubrics for marking and online monitoringat district level by the District Education Authority (DEAs). It is pertinent to mention that more than 90, 000 teachers had been trained on standarized marking parameters to improve students weak learning areas prior to First Term Assessment.
Worthy Madam Special Secretary appreciated PEC assessment regime of First Term under Assessment Policy Framework (APF-2019) which focuses on improved education quality and advised District Education Authority (DEAs) to ensure the timely compliance of the activity.