PEC Capacity Building Training 2025 for Item Writers in District of Punjab
Steps for PEC Capacity Building 2025:
Step 1:
Register Item Writers for each subject at above link then click for item writer registration link
or direct link
Note: Candiates must Remember passwords otherwise will have to reset by SSs facilitators
Step 2:
Now Use SS Facilitators logins to approve item writers for allow to write items
approve by selection SS and selecting grades and subjects which need to write items
Note: All SSs Facilitators usernames and passwords shared for approval items writers purposes
Step 3:
Item Writers will login using their username and password and dashboard will appears
Step 4:
After loggedin, item writers will click on Items tab / left menu Items > Add new items
Add new Item Screen and form will appears and now select item type and all fields
And Will Add Items that will be added in draft items
Note: Facilitators will guide you how to fill and what are fields
Step 5:
From draft items, item writers will review items and will Submit for Approval to SSs from Draft items
Now items will be submitted to SSs for review
Step 6:
SSs or SSs facilitators will review items and will approve or reject with reasons and instructions on item
for item writers to view in left menu of rejected items